When you're ready to give studying a rest, check out these resources. Give yourself some time to recharge and relax- you deserve it!
Check out library databases for access to thousands of films & videos.
A video library containing over 30K titles (279K segments) in Humanities & Social Sciences, Business & Economics, Health, and Science.
Take a break and have some fun with these game and art links. Solve escape room puzzles, color a mandala, play with a friend or go solo- it's up to you. Have fun!
GSU is here to help. Finals week can be particularly stressful. If you need help taking care of yourself mentally or physically, we have resources for you to make this time a little easier.
Whether you need a soundtrack to fall asleep to or background noise to study to, we've got a few here for you to choose from.
Working out can help relieve stress and is a great way to engage in self care during a stressful academic week. Check out these fitness resources to see which one you enjoy the most and get moving!