Most academic work draws upon the works of others; therefore, citing your sources is an important part of the scholarly writing process.
Citations include the key elements that allow your sources to be identified and located. These elements vary depending upon the type of resource.
There are several reasons to cite your sources:
There are lots of AI Tools that can be used to increase productivity. Some AI Tools that you might have heard about are ChatGPT, Copilot, Gemini, and Grammarly, but there are many, many more. There has been a lot of recent discussion around the use of AI Tools in the academic environment, how students should or shouldn't use them, and how to cite them properly in order to avoid plagiarism and other concerns.
Whenever you use the outputs of AI tools in your work you must cite them. Always cite if you use a direct quote or paraphrase from ChatGPT or another AI Tool. You must also cite when you use an AI tool for tasks like editing, translating, idea generation, and data processing.
McGuigan, N. (n.d.). LibGuides: Generative Artificial Intelligence : Citation and Attribution. Retrieved August 9, 2024, from
When you ask an AI Tool like ChatGPT a question and it answers, that is known as an "output". Outputs from AI Tools that are used for your assignments needs to be cited in your References page and through in-text citations within your assignments. APA adapts the in-text citations and references for AI Tools from the reference template for software in section 10.10 of the APA Publication Manual. To cite these, you will need to include the author (or creator), the date, the title (or AI Tool) with a descriptor in brackets to tell the reader what kind it is, and the source (which is the URL for the AI Tool).
Author. (Date). Name of tool (Version of tool) [Large language model]. URL
OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT (Mar 14 version) [Large language model].
You must also include in-text citations. APA In-Text citations should include the author or creator and the year of publication.
(OpenAI, 2023)
How to cite ChatGPT. (n.d.). Https://Apastyle.Apa.Org. Retrieved August 9, 2024, from
McGuigan, N. (n.d.). LibGuides: Generative Artificial Intelligence : Citation and Attribution. Retrieved August 9, 2024, from
Note: If you are using another citation format, please email your business librarian to request assistance.