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PHPB 7160 Fundamentals of Health Systems, Leadership, and Policy: ISSUE PAPER

For further assistance with these steps, you can make an appointment with your librarian here:

1) Browse and Explore

Got an idea? Need some ideas? Run a few test searches in a database like PubMed, using techniques like those found in this guide's Research Tutorials! For example...

Something about maternal health? Browse a search like (maternal health) AND (program OR intervention).

Something about vegetarian diets and diabetes? Browse a search like ("type 2 diabetes") AND ("intervention study")

2) A More Specific Search

See a specific concept or intervention among those results you'd like to explore further? Run another search to specifically see what's out there on that intervention. From the above examples...

Saw something interesting about exercise for reducing effects of gestational diabetes? Try another search for (maternal health) AND (exercise) AND ("gestational diabetes")

Saw something interesting about telemedicine for diabetes self-management? Try another search for ("type 2 diabetes") AND ("mobile health" OR telemedicine) AND ("health management" OR self-management)

3) Refine Your Results

Use the database's filter options to select empirical research articles - original studies and trials - from the results, using techniques like those found in this guide's Research Tutorials.

Not sure what's primary research and what's a review? See definitions here in this guide.

4) Save Your Sources

Select and save articles that you'd like to use for your paper! I recommend using a citation manager like Zotero or EndNote to streamline your references.

Additional citation resources can be found at the Write & Cite page on this guide.

Help with composing your paper is available through GSU's Writing Studio.