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AL 4151: Communication Across Cultures: Home

Provides an introduction to ethnographic research for students in Applied Linguistics

Course Description

This course focuses on the following areas:

  • Learning about the communication of another cultural group to which you do not belong
  • Learning about effectively communicating with that group


The course is an introduction to ethnographic research for undergraduate students.  The purposes of the research include

1) learning about research by doing research (collecting and analyzing data) 2) investigating the relationships between language and culture, 3) developing strategies for learning about another culture and communicating across cultures. 



Culture [noun]: the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group. Also, the characteristic features of everyday existence (such as diversions or a way of life) shared by people in a place or time.

Ethnography [noun]: the study and systematic recording of human cultures. Also, a descriptive work produced from such research.

Sage Research Methods

Sage Research Methods contains books, articles, cases, how-to-guides, project planners, and more. 

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