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Please refer to class syllabus for all details and grading criteria.
Assignment: 10-15 minute oral presentation of 10-15 minutes (including Q & A)
Topic - African American and/or Women Leaders in Politics in the United States Post World War II (1950-2010)
Creativity is strongly encouraged in your presentations. You may role-play.
Looking for ideas? Try YouTube or TikTok to get an idea of what VIDEO content could look like.
Consider low-tech but interesting presentations too such as tri-folds or slide templates!
Check out Unsplash for images you can use with simple attribution such as Photo by Library of Congress on Unsplash
You will also be graded on every aspect of your performance.
There is an Oral Presentation rubric for the categories in which you will be graded.
All sources must be cited using both footnotes and a bibliography using the Turabian Notes-Bibliography format.
The group presentation examination will be given on October 31st, 2023