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Health Topics for Nonmajors: General Research Guide: Introduction

Health is everywhere, and if you are a student in introductory English, communications, or public speaking, this guide exists to make that research easier. This guide is especially helpful to students in Engl1101 and PHED1101.


Health Research for Nonmajors

smiling fruits Health and medical issues are everywhere. Magazines, newspapers, and news sites on the web frequently have medical reporters/correspondents and health sections. The latest developments in medicine and nutrition frequently make the front page. As of summer 2021, the covid pandemic rages.

food plate If you are a student in an introductory English, writing, communication or a public speaking course and want to learn about any health, wellness, or medical topic, this is the guide for you. This guide covers finding articles, books, and web sites that cover diseases, therapies, healthy lifestyle, and medical issues in the news, with emphasis on media written for the educated, general public.

If your topic is more sicence/technology oriented than medical or health-related, you might want to explore Science Research for Nonmajors.

If you are a biology, premed, or allied health (nursing) student or if you have been assigned a primary source/literature life science paper, this is NOT the right guide. Please try the biology, Science Research in Depth.