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*Tips for Searching: Cited Reference Searching: Cited Reference

Cited Reference Searching - Going "FORWARD"

Found an incredibly relevant source for your topic? Do cited reference searches to find researchers who are citing that relevant source - their research might be relevant to you as well, and even more current. 

*Use Google Scholar or Web of Science for cited reference searching - see box at right for "HOW TO" tutorials.* 

Seamless Journals/Articles Access from Off Campus

Install and login to the Cisco AnyConnect VPN (Virtual Private Network) on your computer so that you are logged into the GSU network and will be automatically routed to GSU-subscribed journals. It’s available for download and instructions for using on the following platforms are available here: Windows | Mac | Android | Apple iOS

NOTE: There's a point where the directions tell you to enter as what to connect to.

Mining References - Going "BACK"

In addition to doing cited reference searches for a relevant source, mine its references for previously-published sources the authors are citing that might also be relevant to your research.