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ScholarWorks @ Georgia State University: Faculty Submission Info

An overview of ScholarWorks, Georgia State University's Institutional Repository

How to Add Your Publications to ScholarWorks

  1. Send a list of your publications to
  2. The library will investigate what version of each publication the publisher permits to be posted.
  3. Send the library the version that can be posted.
  4. The library will post the publication, along with information about where the Version of Record is published.
  5. That's it!


Try, a service that checks to see which version of your paper you can share and then lets you upload the file to ScholarWorks. Click the tab above or here.

Data Deposit


If an authors assigns copyright in a publication to the publisher, in most cases the publisher's "Version of Record" cannot be added to ScholarWorks.  Many publishers do allow other versions to be posted.

  • Author Original Manuscript (AOM): The version the author initially submitted for publication.  Sometimes called a Preprint.  Most publishers allow this version to be posted in ScholarWorks@GSU.
  • Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM): The final version the author submitted to the publisher. This version includes revisions in response to peer review and editorial feedback - the final, peer-reviewed manuscript.  Sometimes called a Postprint.  Most major academic publishers allow this version to be posted in ScholarWorks@GSU, but some do require it to be embargoed*.  
  • Publisher Version/Version of Record: The formatted final version that appears in the journal in print and/or online versions.  Most publishers do not allow this version to be posted in ScholarWorks@GSU.

If the author retains the copyright in the article, and doesn't license the rights to the publisher, any version the author wants in ScholarWorks@GSU can be posted.

*Embargos require that a version not be made available in ScholarWorks@GSU until a set amount of time has passed since publication - usually between 6 months and 2 years.


Controlling your Author Rights

Reading the Article Versions box, did you wonder why the publisher gets to decide what you can post? When you sign a publication agreement with a publisher, you usually are also transferring copyright in the article to the publisher. That means the publisher controls dissemination, through the journal, via an Institutional Repository (e.g. ScholarWorks@GSU), or on your own website.

You can negotiate dissemination rights with the publisher. One way to do so is by including an addendum to when you submit the publication agreement. The addendum indicates what rights you want to retain. SPARC (the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) has a model Author Addendum you can use.

Usage Statistics

Once your publication is posted in ScholarWorks@GSU, it is easily found by Google and other search engines.  You will get monthly reports showing the number of downloads for each article, where the user who downloaded each article is located, and what search terms led to your publication.